
This company has experienced employees and advanced equipment for designing, manufacturing, and repairing rolling lines and machining heavy and super-heavy equipment. There it works with oil and gas, foundry, steel, cement, rail, etc. industries to prepare this equipment for them.

Kian Tarash Espadana

  • Development of the current activity and self-sufficiency in the manufacture of any part in the field of our work.
  • Creation of a holding company for manufacturing all kinds of parts to accomplish complex domestic and foreign projects.
  • Setting up production chain lines, including casting, rolling line construction, rolling roller construction, bars, sheet rolling, etc., is currently underway.
  • Development of cross-border communication and trade.
  • Professional work in the field of cladding (powder welding).


With 27 years of experience designing and manufacturing parts and machines in the casting industry, this company started manufacturing and installing machines and parts for the oil and gas, steel, and rolling industries.

Moving to Najaf Abad industrial city no 2

After some time, due to the limited working space and the expansion of the scope of activities, the company moved its location to land with an area of ​​4000 square meters located in Najaf Abad industrial town no. 2 and named Kian Tarash Espadana.

Phase 1 start up

Setting up machining equipment up to 25 tons, Cooperating with steel and rolling industries such as ESFAHAN STEEL company, MOBARAKEH STEEL company, IRAN NATIONAL STEEL industrial group, IRAN ALLOY STEEL company, CAST IRON MANUFACTURING company, SADID Casting, IRAN GHALTAK CO, SFAE company and Cooperating in building production line machines, rolling line equipment and racks and heavy rolling rollers. Also, the construction and installation of a part of the factory of KOOHRANG GHALTAK PARS company, including steel structures and carriages of heavy cranes up to 100 tons tonnage (5 pieces), heavy tunnel furnaces of 80 tons (4 pieces), preheat furnaces and all the necessary equipment of the factory has been done. Also, cooperating with oil and gas companies such as NATIONAL IRANIAN DRILLING, WETCO, BEHSAZAN JONOOB, and TKHC company with manufacturing oil wellhead equipment for them was one of the activities of this company at that time.

Phase 2 start up

In the second phase, development and modification of the engineering structure, research, development, project control, and administrative and financial units were developed and modified. The start-up of the metal coating unit (cladding) and the related heat treatment furnace was also done in this phase. Also, this company will build a new office building and a 1200-meter shed in the factory space, continuing its development plan that started in the spring of 1401. Completing the equipment for making super heavy parts is one of the other plans of the second phase, and after that company will be completely self-sufficient. In this phase, foreign trade and the movement towards becoming knowledge-based will also be initiated and carried forward more seriously.